Dextrin malt, also known as Carapils, Carafoam, Crystal Maple, is a type of malted barley with a high level of dextrins (long-chained, unfermentable sugars).
Increases foam/head retention and body of the beer without impacting flavours/colour significantly.
Often referred to as its own category of malts distinct from crystal/caramel malts. We've however decided to categorise them as caramel/crystal malt.
Darker variants are also available, for instance Weyermann's Carahell and Briess' Carapils Copper.
Name | Value* |
Moisture | 4 |
Protein | 13.2 |
Malt type | Caramel Malt |
Coarse:Fine difference | 1.5 |
Recommended grainbill | <20% |
* A value of 0 often means data is missing.